- 8
How to get correct frame of `Skeleton`
#64 opened by W3xly - 5
- 4
Problem with animating the node's color change
#57 opened by vldygrf - 2
Images loaded after the application is launched
#56 opened by LorretOne - 1
- 3
[Error] Swift.DecodingError.keyNotFound
#52 opened by WindowsMEMZ - 3
Some bugs in function action(_ keyframes: [SlotKeyframeColorModel], _ slot: String)
#50 opened by ACFancy - 1
- 1
- 15
Question: getting [SKTexture] instead of Action
#33 opened by Ideafix0 - 11
[Question] Mesh support
#6 opened by freeubi - 1
Spine resource loading
#20 opened by al1020119 - 5
Fails to decode animation with curve
#45 opened by kvaDrug - 2
[HELP] - Random Skin Attachments
#35 opened by gholias - 3
Change the particular skin attachment
#40 opened by RacingWang - 7
exporting setting
#24 opened by mash3l777 - 2
Layers issue
#32 opened by abaleanu - 2
applySkin to running animation
#34 opened by gholias - 1
Sprite atlas from code
#16 opened by zerogone01 - 1
export material?
#19 opened by al1020119 - 1
#17 opened by zerogone01 - 1
Curve has Bug,it make animation stop frequently
#15 opened by Whiskee - 7
- 2
[HELP] How uses network image resources
#42 opened by lforme - 3
[HELP]Character display is incomplete
#43 opened by sunyunfei - 3
- 10
Spine 3.8.Х сompatibility
#25 opened by unboxme - 1
Mesh support?
#27 opened by SerhiiMatvieiev - 2
Load Spine .atlas file?
#26 opened by markst - 0
can support objective-C
#23 opened by iwenan - 2
How can i get resource, and run the project?
#14 opened by al1020119 - 7
image resource mismatch
#12 opened by liuyaping1 - 2
[Question] Demo project
#5 opened by freeubi