
OpenLaw Dapp for Funding Bill of Sale Contract

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


OpenLaw Dapp for Funding Bill of Sale Contract

Requirements: Nvm, node (8.9.1), Truffle (5.1), Ganache (if running local blockchain for testing), Metamask account and test ether, React ^16.0.0

First, run 'npm install' inside the client/ directory.
Second, create your .env file with MNEMONIC="Enter MetaMask Mnemonic here" and INFURA_API_KEY="Enter Infura Project ID here" for environment variables.
Run Ganache now if you are running a local blockchain to test this. Third, run 'truffle migrate --network rinkeby'.
Fourth, grab the contract address of the BillOfSale deployed on Rinkeby.
Fifth, sign and create the Bill of Sale in OpenLaw site as seller and buyer.
Sixth, run 'npm run start' within the client/ directory.

Click "Fund Contract" and Metamask will pop up, then click "Confirm Receipt" and the balance of the contract will be transferred to the seller.

To get test ether for rinkeby, go to faucet.rinkeby.io if you don't have any on Rinkeby.