
Notary Dapp - Ganache Ed.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


App Demo: http://bit.ly/31cUDmb Pre-requisites: Internet Connection, Truffle, NPM, Node.js Rinkeby contract deployed: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x5b0c51dDA0263bBffEb3093D7F664305FB075e08/


What does this project do?

This is a final project for Consensys Academy Blockchain Developer Bootcamp. It allows users to upload a file to IPFS and notarize it with their MetaMask Local Ganache Ethereum Account and post it on Rinkeby Testnet with the simple click of a single deploy button. Complete with toast messages for user status updates.

How Do I Set It Up Locally?


Required: MetaMask, Truffle, Node.js, Npm/yarn, Internet Connection (for IPFS uploads)


Update .secret file with your Mnemonic for your MetaMask account and set your MetaMask extension to custom network localhost at port 8545.


Run ganache-cli -m 'yourMnemonichere' and truffle compile && truffle migrate --network development to deploy your ProofOfExistence contract to your local blockchain. Move the contracts folder with the .json files in it to client/src/contracts.


Install dependencies in client/ directory with npm i, then run npm start to start application.


Navigate to localhost:3000 and upload and notarize documents with one click of a button!

Ubuntu-Setup For Grading

Ubuntu Setup Document for CABB Testing

Install the following:


sudo apt install git


sudo apt install npm


sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev --- installs C++ compiler dependency for nvm sudo apt-get curl -- installs curl curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.25.0/install.sh | bash


nvm install 12 (compatible version of node for Dapp below) nvm use 12 --default (makes 12 default version)


https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache/releases -- for up to date information. npm install -g ganache-cli npm install -g ganache-core@latest


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install solc


npm install -g truffle https://www.trufflesuite.com/docs/truffle/getting-started/installation


metamask.io/ -- chrome or firefox or etc.

VS Code

sudo snap install code --classic

Git Clone Repo of Dapp project

https://www.github.com/maxgrok/notary-Dapp-ganache.git cd into client/ npm i cd into root directory update .secret with your mnemonic

// only if you want to deploy the contract to a testnet or mainnet update the infuraKey in truffle-config.js (sign up for Infura if you do not have an account, create a new project, view your project, copy the projectId and paste it into your infuraKey variable) ////


Made with <3 from Rimble App Demo.


MIT License, Max Goodman, January 2020.