
Notary Dapp -- Rinkeby Ed.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a final project for Consensys Academy Blockchain Developer Bootcamp 2019-2020.

App Demo: http://bit.ly/36DWMbW
Requires: MetaMask & Internet Connection & Rinkeby ETH

Rinkeby contract deployed: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x5b0c51dDA0263bBffEb3093D7F664305FB075e08/


What does this project do?

It allows users to upload a file to IPFS and notarize it with their MetaMask Rinkeby Ethereum Account and post it on Rinkeby Testnet with the simple click of a single deploy button. Complete with toast messages for user status updates.

How do I set it up locally?


Required: MetaMask, Node.js, Npm/yarn, Internet Connection (for Contract Deployment and IPFS Upload)
Optional: Truffle (only for debugging and deploying smart contracts included)


Update .secret file with your Mnemonic for your MetaMask account and set your MetaMask extension to custom network rinkeby network. Make sure you have test ETH in your Rinkeby Account. If not, get some from a Rinkeby faucet.


Start the app from client/ directory with npm start


Navigate to localhost:3000 and upload and notarize documents with one click of a button!


Made with <3 from Rimble App Demo.


MIT License, Max Goodman, January 2020.