
tutorial for phoenix

Primary LanguageElixir


Hands on Phoenix app for AarhusElixir meetup: I asume you got postgres installed.

Get the stack up running

Create a new app

  • $ mix phoenix.new aarhus_elixir
  • $ say yes [Y]
  • read text in console

Configure DB

  • open project in your favorite editor
  • edit file config/dev.exs line 38 and 39 (database name and username)
  • create your database with ` $ mix ecto.create

Fire up the server

  • $ mix phoenix.server
  • open http://localhost:4000 in your favorite browser
  • reload page and read text in console. fast huh?

Diving in

Now the stack is up runing it's time to get our hands dirty

  • documentation for scaffolding found on https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/Mix.Tasks.Phoenix.Gen.Html.html
  • scaffold a user $ mix phoenix.gen.html User users name:string email:string password_hash:string
  • read test in console
  • migrate the database $ mix ecto.migrate
  • Test the app $ mix test
  • open: web/router
  • paste in on line: 20: resources "/users", UserController
  • change root to users/
  • $ mix ecto.migrate
  • restart server $ mix phoenix.server
  • visit http://localhhost:3000

huray we got a user

Lets look around

  • quick walk through folders and files
  • open web/models/user.exs: look at schema
  • open web controllers/user_controller.exs
  • think about views vs templates
  • endpoints and router.ex

A dash of debugging

why not inspect with some nice markup

  • open mix.exs
  • add {:apex, "~>0.3.5"}, on line 40
  • stop server
  • $ mix deps.get
  • start server

web/models/user.exs add Apex.ap params on line 20 create a user watch terminal remove web/controllers/user_controller.ex line 20: add Apex.ap changeset create user create a user watch terminal

open user model add to schema field :password, :string, virtual: true field :password_confirmation, :string, virtual: true

Prepare the user for authorization

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get

  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate

  • Install Node.js dependencies with npm install

  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phoenix.server

  • Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.

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