
Render NYC from OpenStreetMap data

Primary LanguagePython

Render NYC from OpenStreetMap data

Low resolution sample

This repo walks through how to use OSM data to render a high-quality raster image of Manhattan on Mac OS X. It's a bit more complex than you might expect. This is the guide I wish I'd had when I started. It can easily be adapted to different cities -- I just like concrete [0] examples :)

There are two main components:

  1. A Postgres database populated with OSM data running on Mac OS.
  2. A Mapnik Python script that runs in a Docker container.

For (2), conceivably you could install Mapnik directly onto Mac OS instead, but I couldn't figure it out.

[0] Pun intended.


Component 1: Postgres database with OSM data

You'll need PostgreSQL with PostGIS extensions. One approach: install postgres.app and (optionally, for easy data exploration) PSequel.

Download NewYork.osm.pbf from http://download.bbbike.org/osm/bbbike/NewYork.

Install osm2pgsql:

> brew install osm2pgsql

Create a database:

> createdb osm_nyc
> psql -d osm_nyc -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION hstore;'

Load the NYC OSM data into the database:

> osm2pgsql --create --database osm_nyc NewYork.osm.pbf

Component 2: Python Mapnik in a Docker container

Clone this repo:

> git clone git@github.com:maxh/render-nyc.git

Install Docker. Build the image:

> cd render-nyc/
> docker build . -t render_nyc

Per the Dockerfile, this image will have both Mapnik and its Python bindings installed. Now create (but don't start) a container:

docker create --name render_nyc -it render_nyc bash


Tweak code and rerender

Set up

Ensure Postgres and Docker are running. Then:

> docker start render_nyc

Iterate with pngs

Edit render_nyc.py by tweaking e.g. the style, database query, or viewport. Then:

> ./generate_png.sh

This will close and reopen the image in Preview.

Get vector file

Once satisfied with the generated image, run this to get a final vector file:

> ./generate_svg.sh

You might want to delete some lines in Sketch to clean up the image.

Development notes


Scaling pixels to inches

  • For printing to the laser cutter, 72dpi is used. So 72px = 1inch.

Cleaning up after editing Dockerfile:

  • Remove exited containers: docker rm $(docker ps -a -f status=exited -q)
  • Remove unused images: docker rmi image-name-1 image-name-2