
A small mod for a customizable chat, with the most simple settings

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


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A simple chat mod for your server.

Works even in a single player game.



  • Global and local chat (you can turn it off)
  • Color chat (you can turn it off)
  • Reloading the configuration with the command
  • For developers: Player chat event


The configuration is located in <game or server directory>/config/simplechat.json.

Name Description Type
enable_chat_mod Enables (true) or disables (false) chat handling by the mod. boolean
enable_global_chat Enables (true) or disables (false) the global chat. boolean
enable_chat_colors Enables (true) or disables (false) the use of color codes in the chat. boolean
local_chat_format Defines the appearance of the local chat. String
global_chat_format Defines the appearance of the global chat. String
chat_range Specifies the distance after which local chat messages will not be visible (if global chat is enabled). int
  "enable_chat_mod": true,
  "enable_global_chat": false,
  "enable_chat_colors": false,
  "local_chat_format": "%player% > &7%message%",
  "global_chat_format": "&8[&bG&8] &r%player% > &e%message%",
  "chat_range": 100

You can use the placeholder %player% to specify the player's nickname and the placeholder %message% to specify their message in the chat.

You can reload the configuration without restarting the server or the game using the /simplechat command (requires permission level 1 or more).


If you are a developer, you can use an event called when a player writes something to the chat.

Look me.vetustus.server.simplechat.api.event.PlayerChatCallback. To control the behavior, use the ChatMessage subclass, which can be used to cancel sending a message or change it.


 * Prohibits players from writing messages by canceling an event.
PlayerChatCallback.EVENT.register((player, message) -> {
  PlayerChatCallback.ChatMessage chatMessage = new PlayerChatCallback.ChatMessage(player, message);
  return chatMessage;


The MIT license is used.