
Install NUT UPS tools and configure it in netclient mode

Primary LanguageJinjaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Release CI Status License

Install NUT and upsmon on a target system and configure it to follow a remote UPS over the network using the netclient mode


  • A host running one of the following distributions
    • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or newer
    • Debian 9 or newer
  • Become privileges on the host

Role Variables

NOTE: See here for more information about upsmon.conf values and their purpose

  • List of UPS systems to monitor
  • Must be a list of monitor entries, with each entry being a dict containing the following values:
    • system: The system to monitor. Format: <upsname>[@<hostname>[:<port>]]
    • powervalue: Number of power supplies that this system feeds to the host. Usually 1
    • username: Name of the remote monitor user
    • password: Password of the remote monitor user
    • type: Type of UPS relationship, either master or slave
  • Example:
        - system: "myups@remotehost.localdomain"
          powervalue: 1
          username: monitor
          password: a-secure-password
          type: slave
        - system: "otherups@otherhost.localdomain"
          powervalue: 1
          username: monitor
          password: a-different-password
          type: slave
  • Required: yes
  • Default: undefined
  • Set a custom notification message for a given message type
  • Valid types can be found in the upsmon manual (section NOTIFYMSG)
  • Example:
    nut_netclient_notifymsg_online: UPS %s is back online
    nut_netclient_notifymsg_lowbatt: UPS %s is now on low battery
  • Set notification flags for individual event types
  • Valid types and flags can be found in the upsmon manual
  • Example:
    nut_netclient_notifyflag_online: SYSLOG
    nut_netclient_notifymsg_lowbatt: SYSLOG+WALL+EXEC

Prefix for all variables below: nut_netclient_

Name Summary Required Default
deadtime Time before the UPS is declared "dead" in seconds 15
finaldelay Time between the final shutdown warning and command in s 5
hostsync Timeout between master and slaves in shutdown situations in s 15
minsupplies Minimum amount of supplies needed to keep running 1
nocommwarntime Interval between communication error warnings in s 300
notifycmd Call this command to send messages undefined
pollfreq Time between UPS polls in s 5
pollfreqalert Time between UPS polls when on battery power in s 5
powerdownflag Flag file that upsmon creates during shutoff /etc/killpower
rbwarntime Interval in which to send battery replacement messages in s 43200
run_as_user Run the monitor as a different user undefined
shutdowncmd Command to run when shutting down the system. Most be quoted if it contains spaces "/sbin/shutdown -h +0"
certpath Path to a cert file or DB undefined
certident Cert identify to retrieve (if using NSS) undefined
certhost Host directives (if using NSS) undefined
certverify Whether to validate SSL certificates. Must be either 0 or 1 undefined
forcessl Whether to force SSL connections. Must be either 0 or 1 undefined

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
  become: yes
    - name: Run nut_netclient
        name: maxhoesel.nut_netclient
          - system: "myups@remotehost.localdomain"
            powervalue: 1
            username: monitor
            password: a-secure-password
            type: slave


This role uses tox and molecule for testing. You will need the following installed on your system:

  • python3-tox
  • Docker

Then, simply run test.sh in the root directory of this role. You can view and run individual tests with tox -l