
Poisson Binomial Probability Distribution for Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Poisson Binomial Distribution for Python

This Version

This is a fork from the original project by @tsakim This version adds these Features:


The module contains a Python implementation of functions related to the Poisson Binomial probability distribution [1], which describes the probability distribution of the sum of independent Bernoulli random variables with non-uniform success probabilities. For further information, see reference [1].

The implemented methods are:

  • pmf: probability mass function
  • cdf: cumulative distribution function
  • pval: p-value for right tailed tests
  • mean: mean of the distribution
  • var: variance of the distribution
  • std: standard deviation of the distribution
  • skew: skewness of the distribution
  • amax: max value of the probability mass function
  • argmax: index of the max value of the probability mass function


Mika Straka, Maxi Marufo, Zeeshan Sayyed



Consider n independent and non-identically distributed random variables and be p a list/NumPy array of the corresponding Bernoulli success probabilities. In order to create the Poisson Binomial distributions, use

from poibin import PoiBin
pb = PoiBin(p)
  • Mean
  • Variance
  • Standard Deviation
  • Skewness
  • Max value
  • Index of the max value

Be x a list/NumPy array of different numbers of success. Use the following methods to obtain the corresponding quantities:

  • Probability mass function
  • Cumulative distribution function
  • P-values for right tailed tests

All three methods accept single integers as well as lists/NumPy arrays of integers. Note that x[i] must be smaller than len(p).


The methods have been implemented using the pytest module. To run the tests, execute

$ pytest test_poibin.py

in the command line. For verbose mode, use

$ pytest -v test_poibin.py


Yili Hong, On computing the distribution function for the Poisson binomial distribution, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Volume 59, March 2013, pages 41-51, ISSN 0167-9473

Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Mika J. Straka, Maxi Marufo, Zeeshan Sayyed