
A multiplayer sports forecast (aka. PRODE in Argentina) game for Django.

Primary LanguagePython

Django PRODE

django-prode is a multiplayer sports forecast (aka. PRODE in Argentina) game for Django.

  • Matches can be loaded from iCal (or manually), and associated with a tournament.
  • The frontend page shows the user score table in real time.

Game Rules

  • Players (users) are allowed to submit one forecast per not-yet-played match.
  • Players gain points by guessing the score perfectly (2 points) or the overall result (team1 wins, team2 wins or tie - 1 point).
  • On the end of the tournament the player with the most points is the winner.


  • Add django_prode into your settings.INSTALLED_APPS (and uncomment the admin app if necessary)
  • Sync the DB:

    # ./manage.py syncdb
  • Download a tournament calendar in iCal format and import it with the "loadical" admin command (the iCal file should be encoded in UTF-8):

    # ./manage.py loadical <ical file> [-t <tournament name>]
  • Create staff users with at least add and change forecast permissions
  • Add the score table into your URLconf:

    url(r'^$', include('django_prode.urls')),


  • Django 1.3
  • django-tables
  • python-icalendar


  • Game rules are hardcoded in fixture.models.Forecast.score(); they should be customizable
  • Dates and times (clients, server and matches) are presumed to be in UTC; time zones should be taken into account
  • i18n and l10n


  • Maximiliano Bertacchini <maxiberta at gmail.com>
  • Diego Rende <drende at citedef.gob.ar>