
Nearby API, to search nearby phone area codes

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Nearby API, to search nearby phone area codes

Goal of this project

Trying to implement an API that will return data from a database without using any external go modules (or the least amount of modules).

The idea is to work on a project from a scratch to get familiar with the golang ecosystem, development cycle and tooling

References and coding standards


  • Connect to a database
  • Add unit tests
  • Implement repository pattern
  • Define/implement endpoints
  • Add auto generated swagger doc?


Start project

Install all needed components with go get:

go get ./...


Currently, this project has two different commands, one to start the API and another one to seed the API.


To start the API run:

go run cmd/nearby/main.go

This should start the API in port 8080, if you want to change the port use set the environment var PORT to you desired port

Environment variables
  • PORT: Changes the port where the API will run (default: 8080)
  • SQLITE_DNS: DNS to connect to a database (default: data/db.sqlite)


To run the database seeder:

go run cmd/seed/sqlite.go

This will insert rows in the only SQL table used by the API nearby_area_codes. Currently, it searches for a .sql file called ./data/data.sql. The file should contain the INSERT statements to seed your database. For example:

INSERT INTO `nearby_area_codes` VALUES (1,360,564)

For more information on the database schema check data/schema.sql


Run project tests with:

go test ./...

Generate swagger doc

This project uses https://github.com/swaggo/swag to generate swagger file

swag init -g cmd/nearby/main.go --ot yaml -o api/


You can build and run this project as a docker container.

Make sure you already have your ./data/data.sql file in place before building the image

First you need to build the docker image:

docker build -t nearby-api .

And then run it in the exposed port:

docker run -p 8080:8080 nearby-api:latest

This will run the project in localhost:8080