
Ansible role for install and configure elastic beats on operating system.

MIT LicenseMIT

Please note that the original design goal of this role was more concerned with the initial installation and bootstrapping environment, which currently does not involve performing continuous maintenance, and therefore are only suitable for testing and development purposes, should not be used in production environments.


Table of Contents


This Ansible role installs elastic Beats on operating system, including establishing a filesystem structure and server configuration with some common operational features.


Operating systems

This role will work on the following operating systems:

  • CentOS 7

Beats versions

The following list of supported the Beats releases:

  • Beats 6.8+, 7.1+

Role variables

Main parameters

There are some variables in defaults/main.yml which can (Or needs to) be overridden:

General parameters
  • beats_version: Specify the Beats.
  • beats_type: Which kinds of beats are installs.
Filebeat parameters
  • filebeat_configset: Specific configuration set by instances of this.
  • filebeat_configver: Specific configuration set versions.
Auditbeat parameters
  • auditbeat_audit_rules: Specific audit rules list.
  • auditbeat_drop_fields: Specific which fields to drop.
Listen port
  • beats_port_arg.http: Port for Beats http.
  • beats_port_arg.exporter: Port for prometheus exporter.
Output Variables
  • beats_output_type: Configure what output to use when sending the data collected by the Beats.
  • beats_output_host: The list of known servers to connect to.
  • beats_output_port: Servers communication port.
  • beats_output_auth: A boolean value, Enable or Disable authentication.
  • beats_output_pass: Authenticated password.
  • beats_output_user: Authenticated user.
Service Mesh
  • subscription: Define the service subscription.
  • region: Define the service region.
  • environments: Define the service environment.
  • exporter_is_install: Whether to install prometheus exporter.
  • consul_public_register: Whether register a exporter service with public consul client.
  • consul_public_exporter_token: Public Consul client ACL token.
  • consul_public_http_port: The consul HTTP API port.
  • consul_public_http_prot: The consul Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
  • consul_public_clients: List of public consul clients.

Other parameters

There are some variables in vars/main.yml:


  • Ansible versions >= 2.8
  • Python >= 2.7.5


Hosts inventory file

See tests/inventory for an example.

node01 ansible_host='' beats_version='6.8.1'

Vars in role configuration

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: all
     - role: ansible-role-OS-beats
       beats_version: '6.8.1'

Combination of group vars and playbook

You can also use the group_vars or the host_vars files for setting the variables needed for this role. File you should change: group_vars/all or host_vars/group_name

beats_version: '7.1.1'
beats_type: 'file'
filebeat_configset: 'wazuh'
filebeat_configver: '3'
  http: '5066'
  exporter: '9479'
beats_output_type: 'elasticsearch'
  - ''
beats_output_port: '9200'
beats_output_auth: false
beats_output_pass: 'password'
beats_output_user: 'elastic'
environments: 'Development'
  subscription: 'default'
  owner: 'nobody'
  department: 'Infrastructure'
  organization: 'The Company'
  region: 'IDC01'
exporter_is_install: false
consul_public_register: false
consul_public_exporter_token: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
consul_public_http_port: '8500'
consul_public_http_prot: 'https'
  - ''


Author Information

Please send your suggestions to make this role better.


Special thanks to the Connext Information Technology for their contributions to this role.