
Allow users to tokenize native POA coin into ERC20 token on ethereum mainnet

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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POA bridge smart contracts

The goal of these contracts is to allow users to tokenize native POA coin into ERC20 token on ethereum mainnet. Home Bridge is a smart contract that should be deployed in POA.network Foreign Bridge is a smart contract that should be deployed in Ethereum Mainnet

Responsibilities and roles of the bridge:

  • Administrator Role(representation of a multisig contract):
    • add/remove validators
    • set daily limits on both bridges
    • set maximum per transaction limit on both bridges
    • set minimum per transaction limit on both bridges
    • upgrade contracts in case of vulnerability
    • set minimum required signatures from validators in order to relay a user's transaction
  • Validator Role :
    • provide 100% uptime to relay transactions
    • listen for Deposit events on Home bridge to mint erc20 token on Foreign bridge
    • listen for Withdraw events on Foreign bridge to unlock funds on Home Bridge
  • User role:
    • sends POA coins to Home bridge in order to receive ERC20 token on Foreign Bridge
    • sends ERC20 POA20 token on Foreign Bridge in order to receive POA coins on Home Bridge


npm install

To Deploy

Check truffle.js for networks and their ports

NETWORK=sokol npm run deploy

Manual Deployment steps

Home Deployment(Sokol)

  1. Deploy EternalStorageProxy contract (Example address: '0x01') that will be used as Home Bridge Validators Proxy contract
  2. Deploy BridgeValidators contract (Example address: '0x02')
  3. Call upgradeTo of EternalStorageProxy that is used as Home Bridge Validators with 2 parameters:
  • 0 - version of implementation contract
  • address of implementation which is the address of step#2 BridgeValidators deployed contract (0x02)
  1. Call initialize method at Home Bridge Validators Proxy(0x01) with 2 parameters:
  • Array of validators. Example ["0x0039F22efB07A647557C7C5d17854CFD6D489eF3", "0xf052d236b8076879d86c9e4c116a068a0d420c55"]
  1. Deploy Home Bridge. Example address: 0x03
  2. Deploy EternalStorageProxy contract that will be used as Home Bridge Proxy contract. Example address: 0x04
  3. Call upgradeTo of EternalStorageProxy that is used as Home Bridge Proxy(step#6) with 2 parameters:
  • 0 - version of implementation contract
  • address of implementation which is the address of step#5 HomeBridge deployed contract. (0x03)
  1. Call initialize method at Home Bridge Proxy address with 4 parameters:
  • address of Home Bridge Validators address Proxy ( step# 1) 0x01
  • Daily Limit in wei: Example 1000000000000000000 == 1 ether
  • Maximum Per Transaction Limit in wei: Example 100000000000000000 == 0.1 ether. Should be less than Daily Limit
  • Minimum Per Transaction Limit in wei: Example 10000000000000000 == 0.01 ether. Should be less than Daily Limit and less than MaxPerTx =====

Foreign Deployment on Kovan


  1. Deploy POA20 contract Example(0x05)
  2. Deploy EternalStorageProxy contract that will be used as Foreign Bridge Validators Proxy contract. Example 0x06
  3. Deploy BridgeValidators contract Example 0x07
  4. Call upgradeTo of EternalStorageProxy(0x06) that is used as Foreign Bridge Validators Proxy(step#10) with 2 parameters:
  • 0 - version of implementation contract
  • address of implementation which is the address of step#11 Foreign BridgeValidators deployed contract. (0x07)
  1. Call initialize method at Foreign Bridge Validators Proxy(0x06) with 2 parameters:
  • Array of validators. Example ["0x0039F22efB07A647557C7C5d17854CFD6D489eF3", "0xf052d236b8076879d86c9e4c116a068a0d420c55"]
  1. Deploy EternalStorageProxy contract that will be used as Foreign Bridge Proxy contract. Example 0x08
  2. Deploy Foreign Bridge contract Example 0x09
  3. Call upgradeTo of EternalStorageProxy(0x08) that is used as Foreign Bridge Proxy(step#14) with 2 parameters:
  • 0 - version of implementation contract
  • address of implementation which is the address of step#15 Foreign Bridge deployed contract. (0x09)
  1. Call initialize method at Foreign Bridge Proxy(0x08) address with 5 parameters:
  • address of Foreign Bridge Validators address Proxy ( step# 10) 0x06
  • address of POA20 token contract. Step#9 0x05
  • Daily Limit in wei: Example 1000000000000000000 == 1 ether
  • Maximum Per Transaction Limit in wei: Example 100000000000000000 == 0.1 ether. Should be less than Daily Limit
  • Minimum Per Transaction Limit in wei: Example 10000000000000000 == 0.01 ether. Should be less than Daily Limit and less than MaxPerTx
  1. Call transferOwnership of POA20 contract(0x05) with 1 parameter:
  • address of Foreign Bridge Proxy (0x08) from step#14

To Flatten

npm run flatten