cryptoLOgic Staking and Reward Logic coding challenge


the purpose of this smartcontract is to allow stakers get a reward for their staking. the logic is as follows:

  • a staker is only allowed to staker an ERC20 token of the rewardTokenAddress
  • the staker recieves a reward based on how much they have staked and for how long they staked
  • the smart contract awards the user 1 gwei for every 1 gwei they staked persecond. thus if a use were to staked 60 gwei for 60 seconds, they would recieve 60 gwei is bonus and be able to withdraw 120 gwei after the 60 seconds.
  • the contract also has access control to avoid re-entrancy attacks

solc version 0.8.0

Setup Project

Install dependencies by

`npm install`

Run tests

The project is built with hardhat. To run all test cases, Please run

`npx hardhat test`

Coverge report

solidity-coverage does the coverage report. to run it,

Reference: ( rewards calculation logic from the above mentioned source, But modified to for this challenge.

Try running some of the following tasks:

npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
node scripts/sample-script.js
npx hardhat help