
A simple bridge between KnpLabs/php-github-api and Symfony 2/3.

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GithubApiBundle Build Status

A simple bridge between KnpLabs/php-github-api and Symfony 2/3.


Require the bundle with composer:

composer require maxikg/github-api-bundle

Now register the bundle:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Maxikg\GithubApiBundle\GithubApiBundle(),
    // ...


The default configuration looks like:

# app/config/config.yml
        enabled: false
        service: github.http.cache
    client: null
    enterprise_url: null
        type: none
        token: null
        client_id: null
        client_secret: null
        username: null
        password: null
  • cache configures the cached client.
    • enabled (boolean) allows to turn the cache on or off.
    • service (string) allows to specify a custom cache service. A cache must implements Github\HttpClient\Cache\CacheInterface
  • client configures client options. The allowed settings may vary from implementation to implementation. However, the defaults are:
    • base_url (string) specify the base API url (if you're using GitHub Enterprise you should use the enterprise_url configuration described below).
    • user_agent (string) specify the value for the User-Agent header. GitHub likes to see your or your applications name here.
    • timeout (integer) specifies the connection time out in seconds.
    • api_limit (integer) unknown purpose.
    • api_version (string) the requested api version.
    • cache_dir (string) the cache directory. But I recommend to use the cache configuration section instead to avoid problems.
  • enterprise_url (string) configures a url for a GitHub Enterprise instance.
  • authentication configures the authentication with the api. You can use the GitHub.com API mostly without major restrictions without an authentication. GH Enterprise requires the authentication for nearly anything.
    • type (string) the authentication type:
      • none for disabled authentication.
      • url_token for appending an OAuth Token to the url by setting the access_token parameter.
      • url_client_id for appending your client's id and secret to the url by setting the client_id and client_secret parameter.
      • http_password for authenticating via HTTP header by setting your username and password. This won't work, if two factor authentication is enabled.
      • http_token for appending an OAuth Token to the HTTP headers.
    • token (string) specifies the OAuth Token. Only for url_token and http_token types.
    • client_id (string) specifies the client id. Only for url_client_id type.
    • client_secret (string) specifies the client secret. Only for url_client_id type.
    • username (string) specifies your username. Only for http_password type.
    • password (string) specifies your password. Only for http_password type.

But you aren't required to configure this Bundle. It will also work with the defaults.


You can obtain a instance of Github\Client by require the service github.client.

For a more detailed instruction, please refer here: https://github.com/KnpLabs/php-github-api/tree/1.6.0/doc

Possibly upcoming features

  • Additional cache adapters:
  • Multi client configuration
  • A better documentation in the Resources/docs folder
  • Compatibility checks against Symfony <2.8


See LICENSE.txt. Don't worry, it's the MIT license.