
A python utility that posts saved images to instagram on a configured schedule.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A python bot that posts saved images to instagram on a configured schedule.

How to schedule a post

Use the schedule.py tool

$ python schedule.py -h
usage: schedule.py [-h] [--path PATH] [--url URL] [--tags TAGS] caption

positional arguments:
  caption      Caption the image should be published with.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --path PATH  Path to the image file.
  --url URL    Url to the image file.
  --tags TAGS  Append the tags in the settings.json file to the caption.
               Separated by a comma
$ python schedule.py --path='<path-to-file>' --tags='tag1,tag2,tag3' 'A really descriptive caption'

How to Setup

To run the bot you need a settings.json file defining your Instagram credentials, below are some examples.

Example settings.json

  "username" : "foo",
  "password" : "bar",
  "extra_caption" : "",
  "tags" : [

This config will post a scheduled image every time it's executed (I suggest using cron for this), using the defined tags on the foo account with the bar, with no extra caption.


(c) 2018 MIT License. Maxi Levi