
decorate the output typename.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is the dtsgenerator plugin. Decorate the output typename. Such as it add the I prefix to the interface name.


npm install @dtsgenerator/decorate-typename



    "plugins": {
        "@dtsgenerator/decorate-typename": {
            "interface": {
                "prefix": "I"
            "type": {
                "prefix": "T"


  • the type of configuration
interface ConfigContent {
    prefix?: string;
    postfix?: string;
export type Config =
    | {
          interface: ConfigContent;
          type: ConfigContent;
    | ConfigContent;
key type description
prefix string the prefix of type name.
postfix string the postfix of type name.
interface ConfigContent the prefix and postfix apply to the interface name only.
type ConfigContent the prefix and postfix apply to the type alias name only.
  • Example
  "prefix": "I",
  "interface": {
    "prefix": "I",
    "postfix": "_"
  "type": {
    "prefix": "T",
    "postfix": "_"


npm run build
npm test


  • TypeScript
  • eslint
  • prettier


  • index.ts: plugin main file
  • test/snapshot_test.ts: test main file. should not edit this file.
  • test/post_snapshots/: post process test patterns. Please add folder if you need.
  • test/pre_snapshots/: pre process test patterns. Please add folder if you need.

npm scripts

main scripts

  • npm run build: transpile this plugin. This command need before publishing this plugin.
  • npm test: test this plugin with coverage.

sub scripts

  • npm run watch: watch editing files for compile.
  • npm run lint:fix: fix lint error automatically.
  • npm run test:update-snapshot: update snapshot files for unit test.
  • npm run coverage: report to coveralls. Need coveralls configuration file.