Why Notes is a website that allows you to write and share notes. It uses postgresql and redis to store data.
In a terminal, execute the following commands :
git clone git@github.com:maxime-bc/no-sql-project.git
cd no-sql-project
docker-compose up
Why Notes is now running at http://localhost:5000.
This project uses three Docker containers : a python3 container with a Flask app, a postgresql container and a redis container.
This project uses a postgresql database to backup data from the app and a redis database is used as a mean to cache notes to avoid requesting them to the postgresql database each time the index page is shown.
When creating, updating or deleting a note, changes are applied to postgresql and redis databases.
Data stored in both postgresql and redis databases is persistent.
Connecting to the postgresql database :
docker exec -it postgresql_service psql docker docker
List all tables with SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables;
Connecting to the redis database :
docker exec -it redis_service redis-cli
List all keys with keys *