Fake Words Image Generator (AR_Korean_Generator) for AR AI Project

This project aims to generate fake words images for an AR AI project, particularly focusing on the Korean language.

Files Overview


This PHP script generates fake words images by including the index.php file in a loop.


  • This PHP script generates random strings of characters.
  • It utilizes the getRandom() function to create random strings based on a given character set.
  • The generated strings are then used to create images using the GD library in PHP.
  • The images are saved with filenames in the format xxxx.png, where xxxx represents a zero-padded numerical ID.


  1. Ensure you have a web server with PHP support (e.g., Apache with PHP module).
  2. Place the gen.php and index.php files in the appropriate directory accessible by the web server.
  3. Access gen.php in a web browser to generate the fake words images.
  4. The generated images will be saved in the img/ directory within the project.


  • PHP with GD library support
  • Web server environment (e.g., Apache)


This project is licensed under the MIT License