An attempt to read the GPS Snapshot files from the Narrative Camera.
IMPORTANT: This project is NOT completed and currently does NOT work as it is.
The Narrative Camera uses the Cellguide ACLYS GPS Frontend (ref: CellGuide site and Narrative Clip Teardown) and takes a 512ms GPS snapshot every 30 seconds.
The .snap files are raw 1-bit I/Q GPS data, and have a size of 131,072 bytes, with a sampling frequency of 1024 Mhz (ref: Off-Board Positioning Using an Efficient GNSS SNAP Processing Algorithm and the help of the aclys_snap
program on the Narrative indicates a default length of 512ms).
As a result, the .snap files contains 524,288 I/Q samples.
The data directory contains a few samples, the times are in UTC.
This repository includes work from the SoftGNSS v3.0 project, Copyright (C) Darius Plausinaitis.