
This spider checks for price on ryanair website and saves in database its sends email when price goes up or down.

Primary LanguagePython


Ryanair changes their filight prices few times a week.

This spider checks for price on ryanair website and saves in database its sends email when price goes up or down.

Database: Postgresql


Packages required on Ubuntu:

$ apt-get install python-pip python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libpq-dev firefox
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


File to set your configuration is located in ryanair/spiders/settings.py

You have to set following settings:

    'RECIPIENTS': [],
    'FAILURE_EMAIL': [],
    'FROM_EMAIL': '',

    'DATABASE': {
        'NAME': '',
        'USER': '',
        'PASSWORD': '',
    'FLIGH': {
        'FROM': {
            'AIRPORT_NAME': '',
            'YEAR': '',
            'MONTH': '',
            'DATE': '',
        'TO': {
            'AIRPORT_NAME': '',
            'YEAR': '',
            'MONTH': '',
            'DATE': '',
        'ADULTS_NO': '',
        'KIDS_NO': 0,

RECIPIENTS - A list of strings, each an email address.

FAILURE_EMAIL - All failures will be reported to this email address.

Run crawler

$ scrapy crawl ryanair