hCAPTCHA solver and bypasser for Python Selenium using a Tampermonkey userscript. Simple website to try to solve hCAPTCHA.
Pinned issues
- 0
- 1
its not working on my browser
#17 opened by Runz1337 - 1
Please add "bridge" to the captcha.
#14 opened by ryokinpark - 2
How to use the Undetectable ChromeDriver?
#13 opened by mkbdes - 2
- 0
- 8
Script is deleted
#11 opened by Shaeikh - 1
[Question] Support captcha_rqdata param?
#10 opened by ChronoBrake - 0
- 20
#4 opened by KeparYTbcc - 1
Headless Ubuntu Server support
#3 opened by darvd29 - 1
How to contact you
#2 opened by mostdoqe - 1
To slow have to evolve to be useful 😅
#1 opened by JokersCat