Search on with all functionality available
Get the detailed page of an item
Get the phone number of the seller (convert the image to string) /!\ This API have an unknown usage limit
constleboncoin=require('leboncoin-api');varsearch=newleboncoin.Search().setPage(1).setQuery("renove").setFilter(leboncoin.FILTERS.PARTICULIER).setCategory("locations").setRegion("ile_de_france").setDepartment("yvelines").setLocation([{"zipcode": "78100"},{"zipcode": "78000"},])//Search around you with latitude and longitude of your position and a radius in meters. Doing so you don't need to set Region, Department and Location//Exemple for 30km around Lyon//.setArea({"lat": 45.7679705, "lng": 4.8637901999999995, "radius": 30000}).addSearchExtra("price",{min: 1500,max: 2000})// will add a range of price.addSearchExtra('furnished',["1","Non meublé"]);// will add enums for Meublé and Non meublé// Please check into categories & sub categories constants to know which are the sub categories to add into "addSearchExtra"{console.log(;// the current pageconsole.log(data.pages);// the number of pagesconsole.log(data.nbResult);// the number of results for this searchconsole.log(data.results);// the array of resultsdata.results[0].getDetails().then(function(details){console.log(details);// the item 0 with more data such as description, all images, author, ...},function(err){console.error(err);});data.results[0].getPhoneNumber().then(function(phoneNumer){console.log(phoneNumer);// the phone number of the author if available},function(err){console.error(err);// if the phone number is not available or not parsable (image -> string) });},function(err){console.error(err);});