This repository contains six R scripts to perform a spatial multi-criteria decision analysis according to a given set of criteria as described in [1]. The workflow takes as input a set of rasters (same extend and resolution) that (spatially) represents the criteria used to build suitability maps on which the final decision will be based. For each criteria, a pixel contains a value ranging from 0 (not suitable) to 1 (suitable). The different scripts described below can be used independently as needed. The first two scripts allow to aggregate the criteria using an OWA operator in which the criteria and order weights are defined manually. Scripts 3 to 6 can be used to automatically generate suitability maps according to a certain level of risk and trade-off based on the method described in [2] using the scripts avalaible here.
To illustrate the approach, the folder Criteria contains 10 rasters regarding urban land use suitability in South of France (more details available here).
BuildZ transform the rasters contained in the folder Criteria into a matrix Z which value Zij represents the suitability of pixel i according to criteria j. Pixels with at least one NA value are filtered out and their position is stored in a boolean vector IDNA. Two matrices sortZ and orderZ are also computed to sort Z by row and keep track of the original column indices in the sorted matrix.
GenerateSuitabilityBasedMaps applies the OWA operator on Z according to a given set of criteria and order weights set manually. I relied here on the three typical vectors of order weights low risk - no tradeoff, high risk - no tradeoff and intermediate risk - full tradeoff corresponding to the couple of risk and tradeoff values (0,0), (1,0) and (0.5,1), respectively. The scripts returns the suitability maps associated to the vectors of order weights stored in a folder Maps.
GenerateExperimentalDesign allows to generate a given number of order weights vectors (1,000 by default) according to different combinations of risk and tradeoff value sampled from the decision-strategy space using the function owg.R and ED.R described here.
GenerateSuitabilityMaps applies the OWA operator on Z for each set of order weights generated with the experimental design. The scripts returns the suitability maps associated to the vectors of order weights stored in a folder Maps.
SuitabilityMapsDistanceMatrix computes an Euclidean distance matrix between every pairs of suitability maps generated above.
ClusterAnalysis performs a cluster analysis to segment the decision-strategy space and identify clusters of risk and trade-off values leading to similar suitability maps.
[1] Billaud et al. (2020) Comprehensive decision-strategy space exploration for efficient territorial planning strategies. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 83, 101516.
[2] Lenormand M (2018) Generating OWA weights using truncated distributions. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 33, 791–801.
If you use this code, please cite:
Billaud et al. (2020) Comprehensive decision-strategy space exploration for efficient territorial planning strategies. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 83, 101516.
If you need help, find a bug, want to give me advice or feedback, please contact me! You can reach me at maxime.lenormand[at]