
Code associated with the paper: "Higher-order interactions shape collective dynamics differently in hypergraphs and simplicial complexes," by Y. Zhang, M. Lucas, and F. Battiston.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Higher-order interactions shape collective dynamics differently in hypergraphs and simplicial complexes


This repository contains the code used for the analysis presented in the paper:
"Higher-order interactions shape collective dynamics differently in hypergraphs and simplicial complexes,"
by Yuanzhao Zhang*, Maxime Lucas*, and Federico Battiston
Nat. Commun. 14, 1605 (2023)


  • utils.py: useful functions used in the notebooks.
  • *.ipynb: the notebooks used to reproduce the results and figures.
  • data/: the brain connectome data used in Figs. 5 to 7 (available from https://neurodata.io/project/connectomes/).


The code was tested for Python 3.9 and the dependencies specified in requirements.txt.

In particular, the code heavily relies on the XGI library. Most of the functions in utils.py have now been integrated into XGI.

The code to compute the multiorder Laplacian is based on the repository associated with the paper, "Multiorder Laplacian for synchronization in higher-order networks" (2020), by Lucas, M., Cencetti, G., & Battiston, F. Phys. Rev. Res., 2(3), 033410.