
The complete SEO solution for Nuxt.

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🍱 Nuxt SEO Kit

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The All-In-One SEO Layer for Nuxt 3.

Status: v1 Released
Please report any issues 🐛
Made possible by my Sponsor Program 💖
Follow me @harlan_zw 🐦 • Join Discord for help

Nuxt SEO Kit v2

Nuxt SEO Kit v2 (renamed to Nuxt SEO) is in beta, it's highly recommended you use this version for new installations.

  • Hundreds of bug fixes that can't be ported to v1
  • Runtime support (no prerendering required)
  • Heaps of new features

See the Installation guide, Migration guide or jump in the Discord for support.

Help me shape the future of SEO for Nuxt by providing feedback on the migration and v2.


Configuring SEO for Nuxt is a lot of work; it requires installing many modules, configuring them all separately and then figuring out all the meta tags.

What if there was an easier way?

Introducing Nuxt SEO Kit, the all-in-one SEO module for Nuxt 3. Combining all of my SEO modules and the best practices into one, it's the easiest and quickest way to improve your apps SEO.



🤖 Search engine visibility solved

  • Get the right content crawled with robot rules (robots.txt, HTTP header, meta tags)
  • Let search engines find your content (sitemap.xml)
  • Structured data for rich search results (Schema.org)
  • Automatic canonical URLs

🔗 Enhanced Social Sharing

  • Generate dynamic or static screen social share images
  • Automatic opengraph and twitter meta tags

😌 Find issues before they become a problem

  • Trailing Slashes automatically handled correctly
  • Discover broken links

✨ And much more

  • Runtime Config Template Tokens
  • Use route rules to manage custom config
  • Use definePageMeta for title, description and image
  • <Breadcrumbs /> - Generate Schema.org compliant breadcrumbs with zero-config
  • More coming soon!


⚠️ v1 of the module is locked to using old versions of the modules that have known bugs. If you want to use the latest versions, please use the v2 beta.

npm install --save-dev nuxt-seo-kit

# Using yarn
yarn add --dev nuxt-seo-kit

Requires Nuxt >= 3.1.0.

Register Layer


export default defineNuxtConfig({
  extends: [


1. Define Config

For configuration to be accessibility to both the Nuxt App, modules and server, config should be provided in the runtime config.

This also allows you to easily override config for different environments.


export default defineNuxtConfig({
  runtimeConfig: {
    public: {
      siteUrl: process.env.NUXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL || 'https://example.com',
      siteName: 'Awesome Site',
      siteDescription: 'Welcome to my awesome site!',
      language: 'en', // prefer more explicit language codes like `en-AU` over `en`

2. Add Components


To make the most of Nuxt SEO Kit, you should use the SeoKit component somewhere in your app layout.

This component will set the default meta tags for your app. It's important to have this run before any page-specific meta tags are set.


    <SeoKit />
    <NuxtPage />

Done! 🥳

You have the essentials all setup!

Next steps:

  1. Choose a Schema.org identity
  2. Read the guides below
  3. Scan your site with Unlighthouse to validate any SEO issues


Modify Title Template

The default title template for your site will be %s %titleSeparator %siteName, unless you change it.

Please read the Runtime Config Template Tokens guide on using the tokens.

If you'd like to change the title separator (the default is ), you can provide the runtime config.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  runtimeConfig: {
    public: {
      titleSeparator: '|'

Otherwise, you can modify the titleTemplate to your liking with nuxt config or using useHead.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  app: {
    head: {
      titleTemplate: '%pageTitle %titleSeparator %siteName'

Generating default OG Images

You can provide all your routes with OG Image generation by simply adding one of the OG Image components or composables to your app.vue.

Please check the Nuxt Og Image docs for full usage.

    <SeoKit />
    <!-- a. Generates browser screenshots for every page -->
    <OgImageScreenshot />
    <!-- b. Generate satori images for every page (uses the default template) -->
    <OgImageStatic />
    <NuxtPage />

Enabling Trailing Slash

Nuxt SEO Kit allows you to enable global trailing slashes using the runtime config.

This will automatically add trailing slashes to your sitemap and add it as canonical URL.

Note: You will need to still manually write your <NuxtLink> with trailing slashes.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  runtimeConfig: {
    public: {
      trailingSlash: true,

Avoid deploying broken links

By default, Nuxt SEO Kit won't block your builds if 404 links are discovered.

To enable this, you can provide the linkChecker.failOn404 option.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  linkChecker: {
    failOn404: true,

Using .env

It can be useful to change the host name based on which environment you have the nuxt App running on.

You can do this with an .env file and the following keys.


Disabling site indexing

By default, Nuxt SEO Kit will allow search engines to index your site in production environments.

If you want to disable this, you can set indexable to false in your config.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  runtimeConfig: {
    indexable: false

Alternatively, you can set the NUXT_INDEXABLE=false environment variable.

Using the Breadcrumbs component

The Breadcrumbs component is a Schema.org compliant breadcrumbs component.

    <template #breadcrumb="{ to, title }">
      <NuxtLink :to="to">
        {{ title }}

It will automatically infer the routes and labels from your Nuxt router.

Firstly, it will check the breadcrumbTitle property on the route meta. If that is not present, it will use the title property.

<script lang="ts" setup>
  breadcrumbTitle: 'Breadcrumbs are cool',

Providing page meta

To provide page meta, you can make use of the Nuxt 3.1 feature useSeoMeta, which allows you provide reactive meta tags.

<script lang="ts" setup>
  title: 'Home',
  description: 'Welcome to my website',
  // reactive example
  ogImage: () => someData.value?.image

Alternatively, you can use the definePageMeta function to set page-specific meta tags. Note that this data can not be reactive.

<script lang="ts" setup>
  title: 'Home',
  description: 'Welcome to my website',
  image: '/images/home.jpg',

Setting a og:title template

By default, the package sets a template for the og:title that matches the title.

That is %s ${config.titleSeparator} ${config.siteName}.

You can override this by setting a ogTitleTemplate in your config.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  unhead: {
    ogTitleTemplate: '%s | My Website',


Why isn't there twitter:* meta tags?

The twitter: prefixed meta tags are only needed when they differ from the og: prefixes, except for the twitter:card tag.

You are welcome to modify the twitter:* meta tags using definePageMeta or useSeoMeta.

Why are pages missing from my sitemap.xml?

This module currently relies on pre-rendering to figure out all of your site routes. If your route isn't being pre-rendered then you will either need to manually add it to the sitemap.xml using hooks or pre-render it.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  // option a. Add routes to pre-render
  nitro: {
    prerender: {
      routes: [
  // option b. use hooks
  hooks: {
    'sitemap:generate': (ctx) => {
      // add custom URLs
        url: '/my-hidden-url',

Live Examples



MIT License © 2022-PRESENT Harlan Wilton