
Neural network based app for hand sign language training and recognition

Primary LanguageC++

Sign Language Detector

This project was developped as part of a Computer Vision course to demonstrate the workflow of a basic machine learning approach. In a single app, you can train your computer to recognize your own hand sign language and launch an automatic hand sign language recogniser based on your training data.

How to use the app

  • Find a well lit room with a uniform background
  • launch the app and put your left hand at the same height of your head. The app will try to detect it
    • you can press [TAB] to reset the detection if it fails
  • make a hand sign, and press the corresponding alphabet letter to generate a training set
    • the default app expects you to train four letters
  • to make your neural network as robust as possible, repeat the operation multiple times for each letter
  • switch to recognition mode by pressing [SPACE]
  • a neural network based on your very own training dataset recognizes your hand sign

Example : training the letters B, C and K

The UI is a simple overlay of your webcam video stream. Once you make a hand sign and press the corresponding letter, the trained letter is displayed in the upper-right corner :

When doing so, the app creates a mask of the image based on your skin tones :

Repeat the process to generate a training dataset for the neural network. Here's what a trained dataset for the letters B, C, and K looks like :

Once the dataset is created press [SPACE] to train the neural network and switch to recognition mode. You can test the efficiency of your dataset immediately :


  • OSX specific install:

Install homebrew and execute those commands :

brew install coreutils
brew install gnu-sed
  • Linux and OSX:

Execute those commands to launch the app :

cmake .

Algorithms Flow

Algorithm flow for Hand Detection

  • Face detection is made through a Haar Cascade detector
  • once the face is detected, skin color is analyzed to set-up a tracking algorithm based on skin color
  • the tracking algorithm tracks the skin face once, then moves its track area to find the left hand
  • if the hand is lost, the algorithm restarts

Algorithm Flow for Training Mode

  • User makes a hand sign and hits the corresponding alphabet key
  • the hand is extracted from the frame
  • a mask of the hand is created, resized as a square, and exported in a training data file
  • external scripts are called to format and shuffle training data

Algorithm Flow for Recognition Mode

  • The neural network is trained with your dataset, and loaded back in the app as a predictor
  • prediction is executed on the video stream every 10 frames
  • the recognized letter is displayed on the upper-right corner of the viewport

Code structure

code is intentionnaly structured by course chapters in a chain architecture

Main ---> Language Detection (Chapter 3) --> Camshift (Chapter 2) ---> FaceDetect (Chapter 1)