
Twitter like application, based on microservice architecture

Primary LanguageJava



Main user flow:

1 - Login\register - /auth/api/v1/auth/login, /auth/api/v1/auth/register - POST

With body:


"username": "Bob",

"password": "123456"


2 - Create\like\comment a post - /post/api/v1/posts, /post/api/v1/posts/{postId}/like (no body), /post/api/v1/posts/{postId} - POST

Create post, comment a post body:


"content": "My comment or post message",

"userId": 1


3 - Follow\unfollow a user - /user/api/v1/users/{yourUserId}/follow/{targetUserId}, /user/api/v1/users/{yourUserId}/unfollow/{targetUserId} - POST without body

Current implementation:


/api/v1/auth/** accessible to everyone

/actuator/** only to admins

User registers here, logs in and verifies token given after registration or log in action.


/api/v1/user/** POST to authenticated, get to EVERYONE

/actuator/** only to admins

POST requests to user service available only to authenticated users(with tokens). Users can create their profile here and also follow or unfollow other users. (/api/v1/users/{currentUserId}/(un)follow/{otherUserId})


/api/v1/posts/** POST to authenticated, get to EVERYONE

/actuator/** only to admins

POST requests to post service available only to authenticated users(with tokens). Users can create posts and comment them using this service.

NOTE: post that has parent post is considered as comment to a parent post.

That allows to easily implement comments and comments for those comments and so on.

Also likes are implemented both for comments and for posts

/api/v1/post{id}/likes - will return likes of specific post

/api/v1/post{id}/likes/quantity - will return likes quantity of specific post


Routes following endpoints to associated services:

FROM post/api/v1/posts/, post/api/v1/comment/ - TO api/v1/posts/, api/v1/comment/

FROM user/api/v1/users/** TO api/v1/users/**

FROM auth/api/v1/auth/** TO api/v1/auth/**


Used for load balancing.


No implementation for now, just to see full picture of architecture

In docker only api-gatewatay is available, we cannot directly access any other services.