
The BIN to ASM Encoder Utility. Converts a binary file to a textual dd/dq/dt data which can be included into an assembly file to yield the original data. Useful for including binary data into assembly files. Version 1.1 is written on November 2nd, 1993 by Maxim Masiutin.

Primary LanguageAssembly


The BIN to ASM Encoder Utility Version 1.1. Written on November 2nd, 1993. Copyright (C) 1993 by MasyutinMax (Maxim Masiutin)


Usage :  [path]BIN2ASM[.EXE] [switches] source[.com] [,] [dest[.asm]]
 when source       - any binary file,
      dest         - file, that would be created by BIN2ASM.
Switches :
       /d(d|q|t)   - Make 4-;8-;10-bytes data.
       /sNN        - Number of Counts per line, hex (01-80).
       /aNNNN      - Number of bytes to Skip, hex (0000-FFFF).
Example : ~BIN2ASM /dq /s0F /a0026 $cut$_02.COM, PIC~