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This repository aims to simplify automated fetching of climate data from KNMI weather data platform (KNMI data)[https://dataplatform.knmi.nl/] to Excel models and Microsoft Power BI datasets. KNMI is a central dutch authority for weather measurements and forecast. KNMI provides open API for accessing weather data via files updated every 10 min intervals. This file access method requires a good knowledge of Python for data processing and consolidation. Many business users, planners and forecasters with less ICT experience consume KNMI data via combined datasets (daggegevens, uurgegegevens) via the daily/hourly manual file download web forms facility. For running periodic models and production models, the manual steps carry risk of errors, staff absence etc. An automated facility saves 10-20 per update or up to 100 hours ($5K ) per year by daily loads.

We aim to

  1. reduce manual efforts and automate access via KNMI script method, which may not be easy to find at KNMI site.
  2. the absence of GET access and zipped data limits direct applications from Excel which require additional proxy which we develop and maintain.

We provide : A1. documentation and maintainance on simplified ways to access KNMI daily data via a script page (via url post method) directly from Azure Synapse, Power BI and Excel, A2. an access to processed and normalized data via an optimized Azure SQL database tables (updated daily) with a direct SQL access (uppon a request). A3. Proxy access via URL for a direct integration with Excel (pending work, expected in 2024. Access for beta testers on request).


Data is locally stored and organized in three domains / tables A1.D DAY historical weather data A1.H INTRADAY (hourly) weather data A1.F ECMWF Forecast data 14 days for 6 weather stations obtained via KNMI PLUIM charting data (forecast of (ECMWF)[https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts/datasets/open-data]


KNMI data per day is transformed into normal decimal units, extended with clear name and extended with some hourly data consolidated to the day level. Improvements:

  1. KNMI data is stored in 0.1 units to avoid decimals. For application usage the units need to be transformed back to decimals
  2. More decriptive fieldnames are provided
  3. Selected hourly data is aggregated per daypart (night is from 0 to 7; day from 8 to 15 ; evening from 16 to 23) and merged with daydata
  4. Feeling temperature (#gevoelstemperatuur) calculation. It combines :

Data per day starts from 1900 and includes 50+ dutch weather stations.

Historical day A1.D

We advice to access KNMI daily and hourly data via een script page using POST method. Base data : (day/hour data)[https://daggegevens.knmi.nl/klimatologie/daggegevens] Script page: (script)[https://www.knmi.nl/kennis-en-datacentrum/achtergrond/data-ophalen-vanuit-een-script]

Example: getting day data for selected list of stations (STN parameter) for the last 10 days
(https://www.daggegevens.knmi.nl/klimatologie/daggegevens&stns=391:340:315:308:286:269:319:251:240:344:215:280:273:279:380:330:313:249:209:277:377:258:312:290:331:356:370:375:310:285:267:260:235:210:270:265:324:348:323:248:350:316:283:278:343:225:242:311:275:257&start=20231020) Notice that the Script page uses POST method and will show an error if you simply accesing via URL (it uses GET method which will not work from URL or Excel)

Historical A1.H

Getting hourly weather data work in a similar manner vai a POST method. (hourly data)[https://www.daggegevens.knmi.nl/klimatologie/uurgegevens] METHOD: POST Filter (Azure Synapse Analytics Copy data (getting last 10 days data): stns=391:340:315:308:286:269:319:251:240:344:215:280:273:279:380:330:313:249:209:277:377:258:312:290:331:356:370:375:310:285:267:260:235:210:270:265:324:348:323:248:350:316:283:278:343:225:242:311:275:257&start=@{formatDateTime(addDays(utcNow(),-10),'yyyyMMdd')}&end=@{formatDateTime(addDays(utcNow(),0),'yyyyMMdd')} image

Alternative for the script method

We experienced a sudden pate 505 error while getting hourly data via the script method (hourly data). An alternative is to get data via a standard url available at https://www.knmi.nl/nederland-nu/klimatologie/uurgegevens This method returns a zipped csv file for a preselected stations or date range. The fact that it is zipped limits Excel applications to manual only loads. We will be providing a proxy method to get data directly in excel in the first half of 2024.

Historical precipitation data A1.P

Getting precipitation data idem.

KNMI daggegevens data is verified every morning and thereof lagging 1 day (available for yeasterday and earlier). Data is usually updated after 8:00 - 9:00 in the morning.

Daggegevens data can be accessed from POWER BI directly (using POST request ) how to send post request (youtube)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dJ2vobI-G8]

Weather forecast data

Forecast data can be previewed via a PLUIM page (PLUIM)[https://www.knmi.nl/nederland-nu/weer/waarschuwingen-en-verwachtingen/weer-en-klimaatpluim] PLUIM page consists of highcharts which obscure getting the time series forecast data. With big thanks to #alliander weather api work we got a way to access the underlying table data directly. (alliander weather api / pluim model)[https://github.com/alliander-opensource/weather-provider-api/blob/main-2.0/weather_provider_api/routers/weather/sources/knmi/models/pluim.py] Unfortunately the data is segmentend per station per varaible. The data comes preformated in JSON format for highcharts javascript web component and requires extra processing.

Model name "ECMWF pluim" Forecast data is from ECMWF (link)[https://www.ecmwf.int/en/forecasts/datasets/open-data] URL: https://cdn.knmi.nl/knmi/json/page/weer/waarschuwingen_verwachtingen/ensemble/iPluim/{stn}_{factor}.json Description = Predictions for the coming 15 days, current included, with two predictions made for " "each day." {stn} - parameter is one of 6 weather stations. image

{factor} is one of the codes:

            "wind_speed": {
                "name": "wind_speed",
                "convert": self.kmh_to_ms,  # km/h -> m/s
                "code": 11012,
            "wind_direction": {
                "name": "wind_direction",
                "convert": self.no_conversion,  # 360N, 270W, ...
                "code": 11011,
            "short_time_wind_speed": {
                "name": "wind_speed_max",
                "convert": self.kmh_to_ms,  # km/h -> m/s
                "code": 11041,
            "temperature": {
                "name": "temperature",
                "convert": self.celsius_to_kelvin,  # degree C -> Kelvin
                "code": 99999,
            "precipitation": {
                "name": "precipitation",
                "convert": lambda x: x / 1000,  # mm -> m
                "code": 13021,
            "precipitation_sum": {
                "name": "precipitation_sum",
                "convert": lambda x: x / 1000,  # mm -> m
                "code": 13011,
            "cape": {
                "name": "cape",
                "convert": lambda x: x / 1000,
                "code": 13241,
            },  # J/kg

more information to be found at Alliander Weather provider api / sources / pluim github (github)[https://github.com/alliander-opensource/weather-provider-api/tree/main-2.0]

Example: getting temperature forecast data for 15 days for De Bilt (station=260):



The access A2 can be granted to Azure SQL database which is practical for business users with PowerBI or Excel. A2 features compressed table storage for ultra fast select queries from PowerBI or Excels. We will be providing docs for dayly updates of weather data in your existing Excel models or Power BI datasets.

      ,[DDVEC: Vectorgemiddelde windrichting in graden]
      ,[FHVEC: Vectorgemiddelde windsnelheid m/s]
      ,[FG: Etmaalgemiddelde windsnelheid m/s]
      ,[FHXH: Uurvak waarin FHX is gemeten]
      ,[FHN: Laagste uurgemiddelde windsnelheid m/s]
      ,[FHNH: Uurvak waarin FHN is gemeten]
      ,[FXX: Hoogste windstoot m/s]
      ,[FXXH: Uurvak waarin FXX is gemeten]
      ,[TG: Etmaalgemiddelde temperatuur]
      ,[TN: Minimum temperatuur ]
      ,[TNH: Uurvak waarin TN is gemeten]
      ,[TX: Maximum temperatuur]
      ,[TXH: Uurvak waarin TX is gemeten]
      ,[T10N: Minimum temperatuur op 10 cm hoogte ]
      ,[T10NH: 6-uurs tijdvak waarin T10N is gemeten]
      ,[SQ: Zonneschijnduur uren berekend uit de globale straling]
      ,[SP: % van de langst mogelijke zonneschijnduur]
      ,[Q: Globale straling (in J/cm2)]
      ,[DR: Duur van de neerslag uur]
      ,[RH: Etmaalsom van de neerslag]
      ,[RHX: Hoogste uursom van de neerslag]
      ,[RHXH: Uurvak waarin RHX is gemeten]
      ,[PG: Etmaalgemiddelde luchtdruk herleid tot zeeniveau (in hPa)]
      ,[PX: Hoogste uurwaarde van de luchtdruk herleid tot zeeniveau (in hPa)]
      ,[PXH: Uurvak waarin PX is gemeten]
      ,[PN: Laagste uurwaarde van de luchtdruk herleid tot zeeniveau (in hPa)]
      ,[PNH: Uurvak waarin PN is gemeten]
      ,[VVN: Minimum opgetreden zicht km]
      ,[VVNH: Uurvak waarin VVN is gemeten]
      ,[VVX: Maximum opgetreden zicht km]
      ,[VVXH: Uurvak waarin VVX is gemeten]
      ,[NG: Etmaalgemiddelde bewolking 0-9]
      ,[UG: % Etmaalgemiddelde relatieve vochtigheid]
      ,[UX: % Maximale relatieve vochtigheid]
      ,[UXH: Uurvak waarin UX is gemeten]
      ,[UN: % Minimale relatieve vochtigheid]
      ,[UNH: Uurvak waarin UN is gemeten]
      ,[EV24: Referentiegewasverdamping (Makkink) mm]
      ,[T: Temperatuur nacht]
      ,[T: Temperatuur overdag]
      ,[T: Temperatuur avond]
      ,[RH: Neerslag mm nacht]
      ,[RH: Neerslag mm overdag]
      ,[RH: Neerslag mm avond]
      ,[U: Relatieve vochtigheid % nacht]
      ,[U: Relatieve vochtigheid % overdag]
      ,[U: Relatieve vochtigheid % avond]
      ,[FH: Windsnelheid m/s nacht]
      ,[FH: Windsnelheid m/s overdag]
      ,[FH: Windsnelheid m/s avond]
      ,[M: Misturen]
      ,[R: Regenuren]
      ,[S: Sneeuwuren]
      ,[O: Onweeruren]
      ,[Y: Ijsvorminguren]
      ,[T_GEV: Gevoelstemperatuur overdag]

Usage with POWERBI

image image