
Interactive EEG tutorial app using Muse and React Native for Android to teach EEG and BCI basics.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


EEG 101

An Interactive EEG tutorial app project to teach EEG and BCI basics.


  • Built with React Native for Android
  • Streams data from the Muse EEG device
  • Works with Libmuse Java API
  • Presents information about EEG basics (neurobiology -> hardware -> signal processing)

In Development

  • Brain-Computer Interface
  • Dynamic artifact removal
  • Bandpass Filter
  • Machine learning (Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Riemannian Potato)


EEG 101 is built in React Native, so one half is written in JavaScript (front-end and general app framework) and the other half in Java for Android (Muse data and EEG plotting code). The JavaScript layer, based on the React framework, provides the basic app structure, including all the lesson content and UI. Connecting to the Muse, streaming incoming data, and plotting that data at 30fps all occurs in the native Java layer. There are a number of different Java Views (e.g. EEGGraph, PSDGraph, CircularBufferGraph) that are imported into our app as native UI components. Additionally, connecting to the Muse headband occurs through a native module, ConnectorModule.

EEG 101 is entirely free to use or modify for your own purposes. You might be interested in how we've used React Native to create a flexible, easy-to-develop-for platform for EEG apps. Or, you might just be interested in how we connect and handle data from the Muse. In any case, we hope that you find EEG 101 educational and helpful!


  1. Install and setup React Native from the Source website. We recommend setting up the Gradle Daemon as well
  2. Import android folder as a new project into Android Studio
  3. Install yarn and run yarn install. npm might work as well.
  4. Connect an Android device with USB debug mode enabled. There can be issues running this app on a virtual device and we recommend real hardware.
  5. run react-native start to start React packager
  6. In new terminal, adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 to ensure debug server is connected to the device and react-native run-android to install

Common setup problems

  1. Gradle build error: Attribute "title" has already been defined
  1. INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package com.eeg_project signatures do not match the previously installed version; ignoring!
  • Solution: Uninstall any pre-existing versions of the app on your device
  1. Could not connect to development server
  • Solution: Make sure that the device is connected, run adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081, and restart the React packager (react-native-start)
  1. Could not get BatchedBridge
  • Solution: Run adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 again and reload

JS Packages used in this project

All libraries are noted in the dependencies section of package.json and will automatically be imported by running "npm install" in the main folder

react Standard React library.

react-native Standard React Native Library.

react-native-router-flux Routing package that allows all scenes to be defined in a central location and for transitions to be called anywhere in the app.

react-redux Library containing necessary redux functions such as connect and store

redux Basic redux library

redux-thunk Provides middleware for Redux that improves handling of asynchronous events

Android packages used in this project

These are especially important for analysing and plotting data

LibMuse Handles all of the connecting to and reading data from the Muse device

AndroidPlot Takes care of plotting incoming EEG data