This is the Setup layer for Open Enea Linux.
Send pull requests, patches, comments or questions to Please note that this list should only be used for patches for meta-oel, and the oel git repositories. Bugfixes and additions for other layers should be sent to respective layers mailinglist, usually denoted in the README file in that specific layer.
Maintainers: David Nyström Jon Aldama
When sending single patches, please using something like: 'git send-email -1 --to --subject-prefix=oel][PATCH'
All metadata is MIT licensed unless otherwise stated. Source code included in tree for individual recipes is under the LICENSE stated in each recipe (.bb file) unless otherwise stated.
mkdir -p ~/bin/
wget -O ~/bin/repo;
chmod 755 ~/bin/repo;
mkdir oel; cd oel;
repo init -u;
repo sync;
TEMPLATECONF="$(realpath meta-oel/conf)" source poky/oe-init-build-env build
../.repo/manifests/ ../
../.repo/manifests/ ../
... Use per-MACHINE scripts to build the entire release, i.e. ...
... Or use bitbake normally ...
bitbake core-image-minimal
bitbake -k world
bitbake -c populate_sdk core-image-lsb