Test Task

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Document Viewer is the base Rails application template used at Flatstack. It's based on Rails 4 and Ruby 2.2.2.

Application Gems

Development Gems

  • Thin as Rails web server
  • Foreman for managing development stack with Procfile
  • Letter Opener for opening mail in the browser instead of sending it
  • Bullet for detecting N+1 queries and unused eager loading
  • Rubocop for reporting violations of the Ruby style guide
  • Rails Best Practices for checking the code quality
  • Brakeman for checking application for common security vulnerabilities
  • Pry Rails for interactively exploring objects
  • Bundler Audit for scanning the Gemfile for insecure dependencies based on published CVEs
  • Spring for fast Rails actions via pre-loading
  • Web Console for better debugging via in-browser IRB consoles
  • SCSS-Lint for reporting violations of SCSS coding conventions
  • Coffeelint to keep Coffeescript code clean and consistent

Testing Gems


  • 01_config.rb - shortcut for getting application config with app_config
  • mailer.rb - setup default hosts for mailer from configuration
  • requires.rb - automatically requires everything in lib/ & lib/extensions


  • bin/setup - setup required gems and migrate db if needed
  • bin/quality - runs rubocop, brakeman, rails_best_practices and bundle-audit for the app
  • bin/ci - should be used in the CI or locally
  • bin/server - to run server locally

Getting Started

Prepare dependencies

Some gems have native extensions. You should have GCC installed on your development machine.

  • qt - to run specs with Capybara Webkit
  • phantomjs198 - to run Javascript unit tests

Setup required dependencies from Brewfile:

brew tap Homebrew/bundle
brew bundle

Bootstrap application

  1. Clone application as new project with original repository named "audit-file-test-task".

    git clone git://github.com/fs/audit-file-test-task.git
  2. Run setup script

  1. Run test and quality suits to make sure all dependencies are satisfied and applications works correctly before making changes.
  1. Run app


Document Viewer was created by Maxim Larionov as a test task by Flatstack for AuditFile
