

Build an endpoint that returns an array with the last 10 tweets of a twitter account, respecting the following format:

    "created_at": "Mon Jun 25 16:03:38 +0000 2018",
    "text": "esto es un tweet",
        "id": 123465,
        "name": "john doe"

Response fields:

created_at : obligatorio
text: obligatorio
in_reply: si fuese una respuesta a otro usuario.


  • The project should be developed using PHP 5.4+
  • If necessary, you can use any web framework of your choice, We recommend SlimPHP
  • You can use the data store solution of your choice if you need one
  • The full project should be correctly revisioned using GIT. That GIT repository should be accesible by us (publicly or privately) on GitHub or BitBucket.
  • You don't need to serve the project to the internet but it should be testeable locally using the php built-in webserver or similar solution with the proper documentation on how to do it
  • Unit Tests are a big plus!
  • All added value you can give to the original idea is highly appreciated


  • Tweets are loaded in a database by external process.


Folder structure

This project is built using Docker and PHP 7.2 with a DDD approach. This leads to three main folders: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain-driven_design)

  • Application: services to interact with the domain of the application.
  • Domain: entities, domain exceptions and interfaces to handle domain layer.
  • Infrastructure: concrete implementations of the domain.


In order to run this project you will need:

Local environment

  • Nginx
  • PHP 7.2 (FPM)
  • MySQL

If you use Linux a Makefile is included, so you can run these commands to start and stop all containers at once. Go to project root and run:

To start docker

make up

To stop docker

make down

First time instructions:

  1. Install Docker and Docker compose
  2. Create .env file using .env.example info (Modify paths if needed)
  3. In project root execute make up
  4. In project root execute make php and go inside php docker.
  5. Execute composer install
  6. Apply database dump php bin/console orm:schema-tool:update --force
  7. Execute make mysql and go inside php docker.
  8. Execute mysql -p when ask for password use root
  9. Select testing_twitter database
  10. Copy script from /docker/mysql/sql/init.sql and run it from console
  11. Create cache and logs folders. By Default must be created inside /public but you can change the path in .env file.
  12. chmod -R 777 public/cache and chmod -R 777 public/logs
Windows 10
  1. Install Docker
  2. Create .env file using .env.example info (Modify paths if needed)
  3. In project root execute docker-compose up -d
  4. In project root execute docker exec -it php-maxinuss-container bash and go inside php docker.
  5. Execute composer install
  6. Apply database dump php bin/console orm:schema-tool:update --force
  7. Execute docker exec -it mysql-maxinuss-container bash and go inside php docker.
  8. Execute mysql -p when ask for password use root
  9. Select testing_twitter database
  10. Copy script from /docker/mysql/sql/init.sql and run it from console


Base url: http://localhost:8030

Get tweets

Get last 10 tweets from account.

[GET] /tweet/list


    "created_at": "Mon Jun 25 16:03:38 +0000 2018",
    "text": "esto es un tweet",
        "id": 123465,
        "name": "john doe"

Running test

This project is tested under PHPUnit and includes a unit test suite:

php vendor/bin/phpunit