TSTL json.lua

Declarations for log.lua, A tiny logging module for Lua.

Command Description
yarn add -D tstl-log-lua Install these declarations
yarn add rxi/log.lua Install log.lua

Upon installation these declarations can be linked to a tsconfig.json file.

    "compilerOptions": {
        "types": [

And used within any .ts file.

import * as log from "log";

log.usecolor = true;

log.info("Hello world!");

Make sure to append ";./node_modules/log.lua/?.lua" to your package.path in a conf.ts file (this is run first) to assist where Lua looks for modules.

package.path += ";./node_modules/log.lua/?.lua";

Also you need to add "typescript-to-lua/language-extensions" to tsconfig.json file.

    "compilerOptions": {
        "types": [