
This is a Brainfuck interpreter written in PHP which also has support for numeric arguments. For instance, to add ten to the current cell on the data strip, one may write '10+' instead of '++++++++++'. It is fully backward-compatible with standard Brainfuck programs.

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a Brainfuck interpreter which also has support for numeric arguments. For instance, to add ten to the current cell on the data strip, one may write '10+' instead of '++++++++++'. It is fully backward-compatible with standard Brainfuck programs.

Anything which is not a valid Brainfuck instruction or numeric prefix will be treated as a comment. See 'hello.bf' for examples.


From the command line on a *nix system, enter the directory where you've installed the brainfuck interpreter and type:

./bf-interpret hello.bf

Which should display the following output:

Hello, World!

If you wish to incorporate your brainfuck interpreter into other projects, the file bi.php contains a standalone class interpreter class. See that file for further instructions.


  • bi.php - Contains the base interpreter. May be used as a standalone interpreter that can be included in other programs.
  • bi-interpret - Executable PHP (on *nix systems) script. Invoke with ./bi-interprter
  • hello.bf - A "hello world" app that makes liberal use of the interpreter's custom features.
  • fact.bf - An example application that accepts an integer input and prints its factors.