
An aleatoric MIDI router

Primary LanguageCsound DocumentMIT LicenseMIT

Patch Discord

The aleatoric MIDI router

The aletoric MIDI router is a device that serves the purpose of erasing the labels from the control knobs of a synthesizer.

screenshot of the patch discord GUI

The VST plugin binary can be downloaded from the releases.

The doc/ folder contains the user manual for the plugin, as well as the detailed description of the concept of the aleatoric router.

There is a short video demo on youtube: https://youtu.be/jr8MLbZk7VY.


The plugin is built with Cabbage. In order to run it, CSound has to be installed.

The binary is supposed to be portable, but so far it has only been tested on a Mac using Ableton Live. There is a 'debug' release which adds the csound console to the GUI. It can be used for troubleshooting.


Please, create an issue on github if you notice that the plugin is malfunctioning or if you wish for certain features to be added.