
Regularly updated Norwegian covid-19 data from Folkehelseinstituttet (the Norwegian Institute of Public Health)

Available COVID-19 datasets

Note about "missing data" in the covid19 folder


Because we have uploaded over 1000 data files to the covid19 folder, some files are no longer directly viewable from the browser.

There are three ways that you can obtain your data:

  1. Download the entire data repository https://github.com/folkehelseinstituttet/surveillance_data/archive/master.zip
  2. Use a desktop program (e.g. https://desktop.github.com/) to syncronize the repository to your computer (this is similar to a manual dropbox/onedrive/google drive sync). The following links can be useful:
  3. Directly "knowing" the link of the data file you are interested in (e.g. https://github.com/folkehelseinstituttet/surveillance_data/blob/master/covid19/data_covid19_msis_by_time_location_2020-11-23.csv)

We recommend that you use either solution #1 or #2.


This is a frequently updated repository for Norwegian surveillance data from Folkehelseinstituttet (Norwegian Institute of Public Health).

The purpose of this repository is to make surveillance data easily accessible from a machine-reading perspective.

Documentation for each dataset is available in text files beginning with _DOCUMENTATION_

If something does not appear to be correct, or more documentation is needed in a particular area, or you have suggestions about the way the data is presented/formatted, please email RichardAubrey.White@fhi.no