
A small todo application from the official Play framework manual, but with mongodb support

Primary LanguageScala

First steps with Playframework 2.0 (Java) and MongoDb (Jackson)

In the official wiki there is a tutorial about how to create a todo application using Play 2.0 framework with Java, you can find it here http://www.playframework.org/documentation/2.0.2/JavaTodoList

But it uses an Sql database (H2).

We will try to make it use MongoDb instead.

We will use Jackson library for MongoDb support (https://github.com/vznet/play-mongo-jackson-mapper).


  • Complete the tutorial mentioned before if you didn't already do that (don't forget to add @Entity annotation to your model as it is not mentionned in the tutorial).

  • Replace project/Build.scala file by the one from this repo.

  • Do "play dependencies" in your console (in the project's root folder)

  • Replace next files in your application by files from this repo.

  • Don't forget to start mongodb daemon! It should use the default host (localhost) and the default port.

  • Run the application, if everything works, congratulations, you've done it!

  • Have fun!