install python 3 interpreter. If you use windows download from python.org and install. If you use linux OS you have python 3 preinstalled in your system
Install python 3 virtualenv accordimg to one of the next resources:
- tutorial (NO need to install django)
- stackoverflow.com
- official docs
- tutorial
After installation activate your virtualnenv:
$ source YOUR_VENV_NAME/bin/activate
C:\Users\Name\Project_name> YOUR_VENV_NAME\Scripts\activate
After activating virtualenv from left side of your shell you will see your (YOUR_VENV_NAME). It means virtualenv works.
To make sure run in terminal or command line:
If python version is 3 you ready to go further -
In project root directory run command to install all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the project run:
python manage.py runserver
After all the steps your web application will be available by address