
Adobe VIP Marketplace extension for SWO Marketplace Platform

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Quality Gate Status Coverage


SoftwareONE Adobe VIP Marketplace Extension

Extension integrates Adobe VIP Marketplace Extension with the SoftwareONE Marketplace

Run tests

$ docker-compose build app_test
$ docker-compose run --service-ports app_test

Local run using mocked SoftwareONE Marketplace API

Create configuration files

  1. Create Adobe secrets file
$ touch adobe_secrets.json
  1. Fill Adobe secrets file
        "authorization_uk": "<authorization-uk>",
        "authorization_id": "<authorization-id>",
        "name": "<name>",
        "client_id": "<client-id>",
        "client_secret": "<client-secret>"

Example of the secrets file

        "authorization_uk": "auth-adobe-us-01",
        "authorization_id": "AUT-1111-1111",
        "name": "Credentials for US",
        "client_id": "cc7fce0d-f2e8-45c2-a61e-452b31d096c7",
        "client_secret": "cltn3c1eo0001m5pxkdcmd8cl"
  1. Create Adobe authorizations file
$ touch adobe_authorizations.json
  1. Fill Adobe authorizations file
    "authorizations": [
            "authorization_uk": "<authorization-uk>",
            "authorization_id": "<authorization-id>",
            "distributor_id": "<distributor-id>",
            "currency": "USD",
            "resellers": [
                    "id": "<adobe-reseller-id>",
                    "seller_id": "<seller-id>",
                    "seller_uk": "<seller-uk>"

Example of the authorizations file

    "authorizations": [
            "authorization_uk": "auth-adobe-us-01",
            "authorization_id": "AUT-1111-1111",
            "distributor_id": "db5a6d9c-9eb5-492e-a000-ab4b8c29fc63",
            "currency": "USD",
            "resellers": [
                    "id": "P1000041107",
                    "seller_id": "SEL-1111-1111",
                    "seller_uk": "SWO_US"

  1. Create environment file
$ cp .env.sample .env
  1. Setup parameters for .env file

MPT_PRODUCTS_IDS should be a comma-separated list of the SWO Marketplace Product identifiers For each of the defined product id in the MPT_PRODUCTS_IDS list define WEBHOOKS_SECRETS json variables using product ID as key.

EXT_WEBHOOKS_SECRETS={"PRD-1111-1111": "<webhook-secret-for-product>"}

Example of .env file

EXT_WEBHOOKS_SECRETS={"PRD-1111-1111": "<webhook-secret-for-product>", "PRD-2222-2222": "<webhook-secret-for-product>"}

Build and run extension

  1. Build and run the extension
$ docker-compose build app
$ docker-compose run --service-ports app

Generate mocked SoftwareONE Marketplace orders

  1. Build and run mocked data generator
$ docker-compose build bash
$ docker-compose run --service-ports bash
  1. Inside the container, setup the data generator
$ mockgendata setup
  1. Use data generator
$ mockgendata sku <name>
$ mockgendata purchase <listing-id> <sku>

Where listing ID is one of the following: LST-1111-1111 - Adobe for Commercial LST-2222-2222 - Adobe for Government LST-3333-3333 - Adobe for Education products

For more information use --help option

$ mockgendata --help

Find generated data in the devmock/data folder. Extension automatically retrieve generated order from the mocked data



Environment Variable Default Example Description
EXT_ADOBE_CREDENTIALS_FILE - /extension/adobe_secrets.json Path to Adobe credentials file
EXT_ADOBE_AUTHORIZATIONS_FILE - /extension/adobe_authorizations.json Path to Adobe authorizations file
EXT_ADOBE_API_BASE_URL - https://partner-example.adobe.io Path to Adobe VIPM API
EXT_ADOBE_AUTH_ENDPOINT_URL - https://auth.partner-example.adobe.io Path to Adobe VIPM authentication API
EXT_WEBHOOKS_SECRETS - {"PRD-1111-1111": "123qweasd3432234"} Webhook secret of the Draft validation Webhook in SoftwareONE Marketplace for the product
MPT_PRODUCTS_IDS PRD-1111-1111 PRD-1234-1234,PRD-4321-4321 Comma-separated list of SoftwareONE Marketplace Product ID
MPT_API_BASE_URL http://localhost:8000 https://portal.softwareone.com/mpt SoftwareONE Marketplace API URL
MPT_API_TOKEN - eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1N... SoftwareONE Marketplace API Token

Azure AppInsights

Environment Variable Default Example Description
SERVICE_NAME Swo.Extensions.AdobeVIPM Swo.Extensions.AdobeVIPM Service name that is visible in the AppInsights logs
APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING - InstrumentationKey=cf280af3-b686-40fd-8183-ec87468c12ba;IngestionEndpoint=https://westeurope-1.in.applicationinsights.azure.com/;LiveEndpoint=https://westeurope.livediagnostics.monitor.azure.com/ Azure Application Insights connection string
LOGGING_ATTEMPT_GETTER adobe_vipm.utils.get_attempt_count adobe_vipm.utils.get_attempt_count Path to python function that retrieves order processing attempt to put it into the Azure Application Insights


Environment Variable Default Example Description
MPT_ORDERS_API_POLLING_INTERVAL_SECS 120 60 Orders polling interval from the Software Marketplace API in seconds