
a WebExtension to browse your history per website

Primary LanguageSvelte

Website History Browser


A WebExtension to browse your history per website, with different kinds of filters not available in the native history browser


  • text search through the history of a single website
text search through the history of a single website
  • browse through sub-parts of a website
browse through sub-parts of a website
  • browse through a website's bookmarks only, and display Time Capsules as special bookmarks
browse through a website's bookmarks only

Default shortkeys

Default shortkeys

  • Ctrl+Alt+H: display history browser in a popup
  • Ctrl+Alt+J: display history browser in a new tab


Development setup

git clone https://github.com/maxlath/website-history-browser
cd website-history-browser
npm install

# Rebuild extension files on source file changes
npm run watch
# In another terminal, run this command to open a firefox instance with the extension installed
# as a temporary extension, auto-reloading on file changes
npm run auto-reload-extension


# Builds the extension zip file in ./web-ext-artifacts
npm run build

