
An interactive program that visualizes optical flow.

Primary LanguageProcessing

Webcam Flow

An interactive program that visualizes optical flow. Created using Processing 3.

Image of Yaktocat


Run the sketch's main file, WebcamFlow.pde, with processing-java.


There are several keyboard bindings to change some parameters at run time:

  • LEFT ARROW - decrease flow linger
  • RIGHT ARROW - increase flow linger
  • DOWN ARROW - reset flow linger to 0.5
  • D - toggle debug view
  • R - reset flow map and display
  • F - flip horizontal
  • M - cycle display mode
  • B - toggle bilinear interpolation (can only be disabled for display modes not using GLSL)


If only a black screen is shown on startup, it may help to refresh the canvas by pushing D twice to toggle the debug view on then off.