
Starter template for your Flask and Flask Rest API projects. Build on or modify to suit your development need. No need to setup, just fork this repo and start building your project.

Primary LanguagePython

Flask Rest API Setup

Initial scaffolding for a flask rest API development. Starter template for building your Flask and Flask Rest API applications.


  • Gunicorn server setup
  • Database migration setup for SQLAlchemy Models
  • JWT authentication at <your-host>/api/v1/login
  • Url to register your admin and users at <your-host>/api/v1/signup
  • Provisioned route file for all your routes with admin blueprints
  • Test environment setup

Built With

This App was developed with the following stack:

  • Python
  • Flask
  • Flask-restful
  • Postgres DB
  • Gunicorn Web Server


  • Python 3.6+
  • Python pip
  • Postgres SQL


  • fork this repository
  • create a .env file as shown in the env_example file
  • setup your database
  • on the terminal cd into the app folder
  • run pip install -r requirements.txt to install required modules
  • run python manage.py db init to setup alembic migrations
  • run python manage.py db migrate -m='<your migration message>' to create migration files
  • then run python manage.py db upgrade to create tables

Running the App

  • on the terminal run gunicorn main:app
  • To run app on a specific port use gunicorn - main:app


  • src/api/resources --- flask-restful resources for your project
  • src/models --- SQLAlchemy models and schema
  • src/routes/api --- contains all your route definition
  • src/utils --- contains validations, security and helper files
  • src/middlewares --- define your middleware files here
  • You can modify the app to suit your need.
  • Happy usage.

