
A promise based Google Classroom wrapper.

Too lazy to do this. If you can understand the code pls do this for me :)


Getting Started Properties/Structures/Associated methods

Getting Started:

You will need:

  • client id from google api
  • client secret from google api
  • refresh token
  • preferably all scopes permitted for the tokens


const Client = require('google-classroom')

const client = new Client({
  clientId: 'xxx',
  clientSecret:  'xxx',
  refreshToken: 'xxx'

client.on('ready', async classr =>{
   .then(data =>{

Properties/Structures/Associated methods


  • clientId - Your client id
  • clientSecret - Your client secret
  • refreshToken - Your refresh token
  • createCoures(name, section) - Creates a course (You'll have to accept the invitation to teach on a desktop.)
    • Parameters:
      • name: The name of the course
      • section: The section of the course
  • getCourses() - Returns a list of courses you're in
  • getInvites() - Returns a list of outstanding invites


  • id - The id of the course
  • name - The name of the course
  • section - The section of the course
  • descriptionHeading - The description heading of the course
  • description - The description of the course
  • room - Room location of the course
  • ownerId - The ID of the owner of the course
  • creationTime - The time the course was created (RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds)
  • updateTime - The most recent time the course was updated
  • enrollmentCode - The enrolement code for the course
  • courseState - The state of the court
  • alternateLink - Absolute link to this course in the Classroom web UI
  • teacherGroupEmail - The email address of a Google group containing all teachers of the course
  • courseGroupEmail - The email address of a Google group containing all members of the course
  • teacherFolder - Information about a Drive Folder that is shared with all teachers of the course
  • guardiansEnabled - Whether or not guardian notifications are enabled for this course
  • createAnnouncement(announcement, materials) - Creates an announcment for the course
    • Parameters:
      • announcment: The announcment
      • materials: An array of object of materials as documented here
  • createAssignment(assignment)
    • Parameter
      • assignment: An Assignment object as documented here


  • courseId - The id of the courseWork/assignment
  • id - The id of the classroom this courseWork/assignment is in
  • title - The title of the assignment
  • description - THe description of the assignment
  • materials - The materials the assignment has set
  • state - The state of the assignment
  • alternateLink - Absolute link to this course in the Classroom web UI
  • creationTime - The time the course was created (RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds)
  • updateTime - The most recent time the course was updated
  • dueDate - The date the assignment is due
  • dueTime - The time the assignment is due
  • scheduledTime - Optional timestamp when this course work is scheduled to be published.
  • maxPoints - Maximum grade for this course work. If zero or unspecified, this assignment is considered ungraded.
  • workType - Type of this course work.
  • associatedWithDeveloper - Whether this course work item is associated with the Developer Console project making the request.
  • assigneeMode - Assignee mode of the coursework. Default value is ALL_STUDENTS.
  • individualStudentsOptions - Identifiers of students with access to the coursework. This field is set only if assigneeMode is INDIVIDUAL_STUDENTS. If the assigneeMode is INDIVIDUAL_STUDENTS, then only students specified in this field will be assigned the coursework.
  • submissionModificationMode - Setting to determine when students are allowed to modify submissions.
  • creatorUserId - Identifier for the user that created the coursework.
  • assignment - Assignment details
  • multipleChoiceQuestion - Multiple choice question details. *delete() - Deletes the assignment.


  • id - Identifier of classroom
  • userId - Identifier of the invited user
  • courseId - Identifier of the course to invite the user to
  • role - Role to invite the user to have
  • accept() - Accept the invitation


  • courseId - Identifier of the course
  • userId - Identifier of the user
  • profile - Global user information for the student
  • studentWorkFolder - Information about a Drive Folder for this student's work in this course. Only visible to the student and domain administrators
  • remove() - Removes the student from this course


  • courseId - Identifier of the course
  • userId - Identifier of the user
  • profile - Global user information for the teacher
  • remove() - Removes the teacher from this course