React responsive component for building content galleries, content rotators and any React carousels
- 1
- 0
Failed to compile when using Turbopack
#332 opened by nleborgne - 0
Vertical and Horizontal Images in same gallery
#331 opened by drethedevjs - 5
onSlideChanged is not working.
#302 opened by MuraliAirody - 1
- 3
Encountering JS Error
#322 opened by abhishek871 - 2
missing key propertie
#323 opened by abel-banze - 2
Changing ActiveIndex no working
#319 opened by u-rogel - 2
Carousel Link Click
#308 opened by stevensturkop - 1
Error with the import of AliceCarousel
#311 opened by Sagbyy - 3
No Styling for Next Button
#306 opened by abhinaypawar470 - 2
Feature request: Change dots container styles
#310 opened by dogfrogfog - 0
Slider not moving
#309 opened by Jisha235 - 2
Responsive not working well on desktop view
#304 opened by EmmanuelVictor62 - 2
Avoid layout shift?
#303 opened by eelmafia - 3
Centering the items
#301 opened by AmirAmArA - 3
Navigation issue
#300 opened by OnlinePresence - 1
ActiveIndex not working
#299 opened by WeiWang120 - 0
Touchpad scrolling
#298 opened by sullyslegacy - 6
onUpdate callback?
#294 opened by bogdancss - 1
onUpdate callback?
#295 opened by bogdancss - 5
react alice carousel alice-carousel__stage-item width not updating on parent element resize
#292 opened by VinayaSonawane-hspl - 3
Is there a way to have an onUpdate method?
#293 opened by bogdancss - 2
force update or similar ?
#291 opened by bogdancss - 2
- 0
SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'
#289 opened by VitalijsKovtuns - 1
Support for CSS/SCSS modules
#286 opened by M1K3Yio - 1
images to the left instead of center
#288 opened by hamzapaskingakhtar1999 - 1
Carousel Memory Leak
#287 opened by ElsonNezaj - 1
Hydration and Text content does not match server-rendered HTML with Next 13 App Router
#283 opened by piyushchauhan2011 - 1
Error: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server.
#282 opened by mertkesimliileri - 1
move arrow position
#281 opened by salicius - 1
Set the distance of each swipe
#280 opened by xiaoshanzhaguo - 1
swipeDelta for vertical movements
#276 opened by Kevin-M-Zaleo - 0
- 1
Circular dependency when building with rollup
#273 opened by fausanchez - 2
- 3
Re-render problem
#272 opened by ChrisCoder9000 - 0
- 1
how to move dots in image?
#270 opened by mohammad-hassani - 1
Increase number of rows
#268 opened by NaveedNawab - 1
Smoother Resizing Issue
#267 opened by emanuallan - 5
Items take all available width when number of items is less than the one in the responsive config object
#263 opened by hichemfantar - 1
node support
#260 opened by alexzrp - 1
iOS Mobile Bug onSlideChanged
#255 opened by whyper-mateus - 1
Side arrows
#256 opened by rtgfxp - 2
Multiple on a page with 5 slides one renders 5.2
#253 opened by websuits - 1
Circular dependency error
#249 opened by zernie - 0
_handleResizeDebounced can be called on unmounted component causing warning
#251 opened by oliseviche - 1
carousel items spacing support
#250 opened by cong1223