
A useful tool for visualizing and analyzing where our models weaknesses are

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Class Confusion was was designed to help extrapolate your models decisions through visuals such as graphs or confusion matrices that go more in-depth than the standard plot_confusion_matrix. Class Confusion can be used with both Tabular and Image classification models

To utilize this function, input in the ClassificationInterpretation object as well as a list of classes you want to examine:

from ClassLosses import *
ClassLosses(interp, classList)

You can also pass in direct class combinations you want to see as well, just make them a list of tuples as such:

comboList = [('<50k', '>=50k')]
ClassLosses(interp, comboList, is_ordered=True)

Please read the Documentation for a guide to how to utilize this function.

Some example outputs: