![logo maxmap](http://pipasmax.legtux.org/images/IH/logo_maxmap_ombre.png) =======
With maxmap, you can create easily a map with your favourite places then send a public link to your friend!
maxmap is a Ruby on Rails webapp developed for my final project to close my participation to the FullStack Webdevelloper Bootcamp with IronHack. 8 intensives weeks where we learn Ruby on Rails, html, CSS, javascript and Jquery as well as using Git, good practice, postman, heroku deployment....
The webapp is deployed in Heroku at: https://maxmap.herokuapp.com/
Some details:
*Gem Ruby version: ruby 2.3.1
Database: PostgreSQL (gem 'pg')
Devise for users identification
Figaro for Env Var storage
Pundit for adding authorization policies
Bootstrap as a gem
Front-end Jquery
Google Map Api and javascript library