
An Alfred workflow for Strava

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Strava Workflow for Alfred


System Requirements

  • Node JS 10+


Download the Strava.alfredworkflow and open it.


This workflow requires three environment variables to connect to Strava. These variables come from your Strava API Application which every Strava user has.

  • CODE

Follow these steps to get the values for these variables

  1. Visit https://www.strava.com/settings/api and create an API application with the scope equal to "activity:read_all".

  2. You will see the values for CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET on this page.

  3. Click on the "OAuth Authorization page" link at the top of the "Update Application" section. Confirm that this link contains scope=activity:read_all in the URL parameters.

  4. Click "Authorize".

  5. Inspect the URL in the search bar and copy the value for code. This is the value for CODE.

  6. That's it! Enter those values into the workflow configuration.


The default keyword is "strava". After entering this keyword, hit 'return' and a list of your most recent Strava activites will appear. Selecting an activity will open it on strava.com in your default browser.


Optional Parameters

To use metric units, set METRIC_UNITS to true.
